Journal Articles
- Parastoo Jabbari, Andisheh Ranjbari, Paul Leiby and Don MacKenzie, 2024, "Value of Travel Time is Lower When Being Driven than when Driving Oneself", Transport Findings
- Tom Maxner, Andisheh Ranjbari, Seyma Gunes and Chase P. Dowling, 2023, "Simulation-based Analysis of Different Curb Space Type Allocations on Curb Performance", Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 11, (1), pp. 1384-1405
- Jorge M. Diaz-Gutierrez, Helia Mohammadi-Mavi and Andisheh Ranjbari, 2023, "COVID-19 Impacts on Online and In-store Shopping Behaviors: Why They Happened and Whether They Will Last Post Pandemic", Transportation Research Record
- Andisheh Ranjbari, Caleb Diehl, Giacomo Dalla Chiara and Anne Goodchild, 2023, "Do Parcel Lockers Reduce Delivery Times? Evidence from the Field", Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation, 172
- Giacomo Dalla Chiara, Klaas Fiete Krutein, Andisheh Ranjbari and Anne Goodchild, 2022, "Providing Curb Availability Information to Delivery Drivers Reduces Cruising for Parking", Scientific Reports (by Nature), 12, (1), pp. 1-11
- Andisheh Ranjbari, Caleb Diehl, Giacomo Dalla Chiara and Anne Goodchild, 2022, "What is the Right Parcel Locker Size for a Residential Building?", Transportation Research Record, 2677, (3)
- Zack Aemmer, Andisheh Ranjbari and Don MacKenzie, 2022, "Measurement and Classification of Transit Delays Using GTFS-RT Data", Public Transport, 14, (2), pp. 263-285
- Chase P. Dowling, Tom Maxner and Andisheh Ranjbari, 2022, "An Empirical Taxonomy of Common Curb Zoning Configurations in Seattle", Transport Findings, pp. 263-285
- Giacomo Dalla Chiara, Klaas Fiete Krutein, Andisheh Ranjbari and Anne Goodchild, 2021, "Understanding Urban Commercial Vehicle Driver Behaviors and Decision Making", Transportation Research Record, 2675, (9), pp. 608-619
- Caleb Diehl, Andisheh Ranjbari and Anne Goodchild, 2021, "Curbside Management Challenges and Opportunities from Public and Private Sector Perspectives", Transportation Research Record, 2675, (11), pp. 1413-1427
- Moein Khaloei, Andisheh Ranjbari, Ken Laberteaux and Don MacKenzie, 2021, "Analyzing the Effect of Autonomous Ridehailing on Transit Ridership: Competitor or Desirable First/Last Mile Connection?", Transportation Research Record, 2675, (11), pp. 1154-1167
- Xiao Wen, Andisheh Ranjbari, Fan Qi, Regina Clewlow and Don MacKenzie, 2021, "Challenges in Credibly Estimating the Travel Demand Effects of Mobility Services", Transport Policy, 103, pp. 224-235
- Andisheh Ranjbari, Jose Luis Machado-Leon, Giacomo Dalla Chiara, Don MacKenzie and Anne Goodchild, 2021, "Testing Curbside Management Strategies to Mitigate the Impacts of Ridesourcing Services on Traffic", Transportation Research Record, 2675, (2), pp. 219-232
- Andisheh Ranjbari, Mark Hickman and Yi-Chang Chiu, 2020, "A Network Design Problem Formulation and Solution Procedure for Intercity Transit Services", Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 16, (3), pp. 1156-1175
- Andisheh Ranjbari, Mark Hickman and Yi-Chang Chiu, 2020, "Network Design with Elastic Demand and Dynamic Passenger Assignment to Assess the Performance of Transit Services", Journal of Advanced Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 146, (5), pp. 04020030
- Yanbo Ge, Andisheh Ranjbari, Elyse Lewis, Eric Barber and Don MacKenzie, 2019, "Defining Psychometric Variables Related to the Use of Autonomous Vehicles", Transportation Research Record, 2673, (12), pp. 655-669
- Jingya Gao, Andisheh Ranjbari and Don MacKenzie, 2019, "Would Being Driven by Others Affect the Value of Travel Time? Ridehailing as an Analogy for Automated Vehicles", Transportation, 6, (6), pp. 2103-2116
- Andisheh Ranjbari, Yi-Chang Chiu and Mark Hickman, 2017, "Exploring Factors Affecting Demand for Possible Future Intercity Transit Options", Public Transport, 9, (1), pp. 463-481
- Ali Tavakoli Kashani, Afshin Shariat-Mohaymany and Andisheh Ranjbari, 2012, "Analysis of Factors Associated with Traffic Injury Severity on Rural Roads in Iran", Journal of Injury and Violence Research, 4, (1), pp. 36-41
- Afshin Shariat-Mohaymany, Ali Tavakoli-Kashani, Hadi Nosrati and Andisheh Ranjbari, 2011, "Identifying Significant Predictors of Head-on Conflicts on Two-lane Rural Roads Using Inductive Loop Detectors Data", Traffic Injury Prevention, 12, (6), pp. 636-641
- Andisheh Ranjbari, Afshin Shariat-Mohaymany and S. M. Mahdi Amiripour, 2011, "Transit Network Design: The Necessity of Elastic Demand Consideration", Advanced Transportation, 97-98, pp. 1117-1122
- Ali Tavakoli Kashani, Afshin Shariat-Mohaymany and Andisheh Ranjbari, 2011, "A Data Mining Approach to Identify Key Factors of Traffic Injury Severity", PROMET–Traffic & Transportation, 23, (1), pp. 11-17
- Afshin Shariat Mohaymany, Ali Tavakoli Kashani and Andisheh Ranjbari, 2010, "Identifying Driver Characteristics Influencing Overtaking Crashes", Traffic Injury Prevention, 11, (4), pp. 411-416
Conference Proceedings
- Jorge M. Diaz-Gutierrez and Andisheh Ranjbari, 2024, "How Effective Are Fixed-Effects Models in Fixing the Transit Supply-Demand Bidirectional Interaction?", 103rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
- Jorge M. Diaz-Gutierrez, Andisheh Ranjbari, Tom Maxner and Nawaf Nazir, 2024, "Evaluating the Impacts of Variable Message Signs on Airport Curbside Performance Using Microsimulation", 103rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
- Helia Mohammadi-Mavi, Andisheh Ranjbari, S. Ilgin Guler and Vikash V. Gayah, 2024, "What Does It Take for Rural-Urban Commuters to Switch from Driving to Carpooling?", 103rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
- Lissa Melis, Andisheh Ranjbari and Vikash V. Gayah, 2024, "Delivering Efficiency: Joint Optimization of Parcel Locker Location and Configuration Considering Vehicle Routing and Flexible Delivery Alternatives", 103rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
- Lissa Melis, Vikash V. Gayah and Andisheh Ranjbari, 2023, "Joint Parcel Locker Location and Configuration Problem Considering Vehicle Routing and Alternative Delivery Mechanisms", ORBEL 37 (37th annual conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society), 10, (1), pp. 43
- James Koch, Tom Maxner, Vinay Amatya, Andisheh Ranjbari and Chase P. Dowling, 2023, "Physics-informed Machine Learning of Parameterized Fundamental Diagrams", 102nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board
- Zack Aemmer, Andisheh Ranjbari and Don MacKenzie, 2023, "Synthetic Controls Evaluation of Transit Performance at Camera Enforced Intersections", 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
- Tom Maxner, Panagiota Goulianou, Andisheh Ranjbari and Anne Goochild, 2022, "Urban Delivery Companies’ Needs and Preferences for Green Loading Zones Implementation: A Case Study of NYC", ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development, ASCE, pp. 323-334
- Alejandro Henao, Chase P. Dowling, Josh Sperling, Chris Hoehne, T Coleman, Scott Le Vine, Andisheh Ranjbari and Katie Wolf, 2022, "Turning Curb Data into Curb Policy Via a Bid-Rent Framework", 101st Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
- Moein Khaloei, Andisheh Ranjbari and Don MacKenzie, 2020, "Analyzing the Shift in Travel Modes’ Market Shares with the Deployment of Autonomous Vehicle Technology", 99th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board
- Parastoo Jabbari, Andisheh Ranjbari and Don MacKenzie, 2020, "How will Automated Vehicles Change Your Travel Patterns? Analyzing Mode Choices in a Home-to-Home Tour-based Model", 99th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board
- Xiao Wen, Andisheh Ranjbari, Yanbo Ge, Michiko Namazu and Don MacKenzie, 2019, "A Randomized Encouragement Experiment to Measure the Causal Effects of Shared Mobility Services on Travel Behavior and Car Ownership", 98th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board
- Andisheh Ranjbari, Mark Hickman and Yi-Chang Chiu, 2018, "A Mathematical Optimization Model for Solving the Intercity Transit Network Design Problem", International Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transportation (CASPT)
- Andisheh Ranjbari, Yi-Chang Chiu and Mark Hickman, 2016, "Flexpress: A Flexible and Express Intercity Transit Service", ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development, ASCE, pp. 513-524
- Andisheh Ranjbari, Mark Hickman and Yi-Chang Chiu, 2016, "Labels or Actual Alternatives’ Attribute Values? A Study of Choice Decisions in a Stated Preference Experiment", 95th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board
- Andisheh Ranjbari, Yi-Chang Chiu and Mark Hickman, 2015, "An interactive Preference Analysis Method for Evaluating Possible Intercity Transit Options", International Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transportation (CASPT)
- Andisheh Ranjbari, Afshin Shariat-Mohaymany and S. M. Mahdi Amiripour, 2012, "Bus Network Design Considering Elastic Demand: Case Study of Kashan", International Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transportation (CASPT)